Thinking About Buying a Home Near a School? Make Sure to Weigh These Pros and Cons

You’ve found your dream home—but it’s right across the street from a school. So, the question is, will your home’s location near a school be a major plus, or a serious drawback?

recent video from outlined the pros and cons of purchasing a home near a school, including:

  • Pro: No commute to school. If you have school-aged children (and their ages line up with the grades the nearby school serves), living within walking distance of their school means you don’t have to drive them to school or put them on the bus.
  • Con: More street traffic. Even if your kids can walk to school, the majority of students will still need to be bussed or driven each day—which means significant street traffic at drop-off and pick up times.
  • Pro: Schools = safety. Schools are invested in keeping their students, property, and neighborhood safe, which typically translates to extra security measures, like security guards and cameras. And if you live nearby, you get the secondary benefit of those security measures.
  • Con: Extra noise. Between students playing outside, extracurricular activities, and other after-school events, schools can be noisy places—and if you live near a school, you’ll have to deal with the noise.

The Takeaway:

So, what does this mean for you? Living near a school has its benefits and challenges—and if you’re considering buying a home near a school, it’s important to understand both before you make a decision.

**Ryan Wheeler is an expert real estate agent and military veteran serving buyers and sellers of homes in the Shreveport-Bossier City area.  Connect With Me Here

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